Classic Cuban Moves

Table of Contents

15Setenta (70) family
14Bayamo family
13Panqué (Siéte) family
12Sombrero family
11Ochenta family
10Enchufla family
9Vacilala family
8Paseala moves and walks
7Dile Que No figures
6Basic steps and turns
5Tornado moves
4Son in Casino
3Yoandy Villaurrutia
2Cuban Shines (QShines)
1Rueda de Casino only

Other Vacilala moves


Bayamo family [summaries]


Panqué (Siete) family


Sombrero family


Ochenta (80) family


Enchufla family


Paseala moves and walks


Dile Que No Basic Figures


Counter clock-wise moves


Moves with multiple Alardes


Basic steps and turns


Cuban Shines (Qshines)


Tornado moves


Son in Casino


Yoandy Villaurrutia


Rueda de Casino Only


All Cuban Salsa Moves

This is a project in the making. The ambition is, as the title says, to cover “all” Cuban Salsa moves, that is all common moves. It is impossible to cover everything, because we have endless of variations and anyone can make up a new move or modify an old.

I try to include a move when I have found at least three independent sources, most often just videos uploaded to YouTube. I sometimes accept moves, I have only found once, if I really like it. I try to focus on real moves used in social dancing and in Rueda de Casino. I try to avoid artificial moves just made up.

Also I know of moves from DVD based Salsa courses and Apps that have not found there way to YouTube yet. If they are good, I make room for them and hope they will show up on YouTube one day, or I might make someone record them.

For most of my tutorials I try to find the three best videos around, from an educational point of view, and I try to include as many different dance schools and countries as possible. Cuban Salsa is the most social of social dances: All colors, all sizes, all ages, all nationalities, all levels. I want to reflect that. I am happy to include videos of amateurs and beginners if useful in a tutorial, even if flawed.

Also it is my intention, to replace many of the videos, when I happen to stumble upon better ones.